By: Diana McNab MEd, Sports Consulting & Life Coaching; a former 8 year member of The Canadian National Ski Team now working with Elite, Olympic, Paralympic and Professional Athletes.
The number one cause of poor performance with most athletes is dehydration and a lack of proper nutrients that will enhance performance as well as heal and repair tissues and cells after practice or competition. All elite athletes start with Sports Nutrition and make sure that they understand what their body needs for strength, power, speed, finesse and recovery. Next they take their body weight and divide it by 2 ounces of water and that is how much water they need to drink every day! A lack of focus, concentration, energy and accuracy are all signs of dehydration!
Next comes cross training and conditioning for strength, speed, power, flexibility and co-ordination. Just playing racquetball is not enough. Elite athletes all work-out aerobically and anaerobically outside the court as well as use weights and pulleys for strength and power. Pound for pound you want to be long and lean and strong and flexible to outlast your opponent. Specificity of training is the key, so read Fran Davis’ “Championship Racquetball” Book for the ideal work-out!
Mental Skills Corner:
One must train the mind for Championship play! Focus, concentration, nostril breathing, visualization and pre-game psych plans are all learned skills. Once you have all the technique and shots…racquetball becomes a game of the mind. And an athlete’s mind needs to learn all the mental skills and techniques to stay in the “moment” and get into the “mental zone” of Championship Play.
These are all the things that we will be writing about in future Newsletters…so stayed tuned as we know these tools will assist you developing your “Championship Game!”
For more information on Conditioning, Nutrition, and Mental Skills e-mail Diana McNab at her e-mail address