Bouncing back after losing a match is not easy to do, but it is a MUST if you want to be successful and build your championship game.
It’s inevitable that we ALL win and lose matches, but it is what we do when we lose a match that counts the most. Losing should be a learning experience, NOT beating yourself up experience.
Just ask yourself, “Did I play well and lose? Or did I play poorly and lose?” The key is to learn from your mistakes and remember your successes. Let go of all the negative thoughts, and remember your great shots. Erase your mistakes from your mind, and visualize the shot you know you should have hit—see it in your mind with the correction made. Too often athletes do not take the time to redo their mistakes mentally and turn them into positives. We learn from winning, but it is in losing that we feel the pain enough to change.
Here’s a quote I read years ago and I share with my students even today, “I NEVER Lose………I WIN or I LEARN.”
Here’s how my Championship Team utilizes these techniques:
Rocky Carson:
In Sarasota, FL April 2019 Rocky lost to Alex Landa in the semi-finals in 2 games. Rocky played well against Daniel De LaRossa in the ¼ finals and beat him in 2 games. After the match we talked about what happened, made adjustments and figured out some tweaks we needed to make. I spoke to him again during the week several times and made sure he was on track as he was going to IRT Pro-stop, Syosset, NY the following week. Rocky DID NOT dwell on his loss, he actually LEARNED from it. He came into the Syosset, NY tournament hungry to play and totally refocused and the results were…. Rocky made it to the finals.
Paola Longoria:
In the Battle of the Alamo, April 2018, in San Antonio, TX Paola lost to Samantha Salas in the finals, who she had only lost to her once before. After the match we talked about what happened and made adjustments and figured out some tweaks we needed to make. Paola DID NOT dwell on her loss, she LEARNED from it and worked really hard to fix the things that cost her that match against Samantha. Paola came into the the Battle of the Alamo April 2019 to play hard and totally focused and she beat Samantha Salas in the finals.
Bouncing Back is yet another required skill on the road to championship racquetball. ALL of the players I coach, from the professionals led by Rocky and Paola to the amateurs, know just how important it is to “Bounce Back from a Loss”. It’s not easy to do, but a MUST. Remember the quote, “I NEVER Lose………I WIN or I LEARN.” Their records speak for themselves…Rocky and Paola are BOTH 2 of the most decorated athletes in racquetball. Paola finished the 2017/2018 ranked #1 on the LPRT for the 8th consecutive season and was crowned BOTH the 2016 World Champion and the 2016 Central American Champion. Rocky finished the 2017/2018 ranked #2 on the IRT and was crowned the 2016 World Champion.
In the next issue, I will continue to build your Championship Racquetball Game one level at a time so you too can be ready to become the champion you always dreamed of becoming, by giving you the tools to make it a reality. Rocky and all my athletes “Championship Racquetball Games” stem from their focus on ALL 3 sides of the triangle working together so they can develop into top competitors. Without a shadow of a doubt, they KNOW just how important it is to do the work. They are living proof it works and their titles substantiate it.
To follow Paola Longoria, Rocky Carson, and Coach Fran Davis visit: www.facebook.com/headpennracquetball.
To follow Paola, visit her Official Fan Page, https://www.facebook.com/PaolaLongoriaOficial/
Watch Paola Longoria in the LPRT events on https://www.lprtour.com/live, as well as in international competition on http://www.internationalracquetball.com
Watch Rocky Carson in the IRT events on International Racquetball Tour Facebook page
Check out my coaching tips on my website, www.FranDavisRacquetball.com