Have you watched my “Tip of the Day” video series featured on the IRT Facebook, my YouTube Channel, and FranDavisRacquetball?
This goes over “When To Use A Pinch Shot with Rocky Carson”.
I break down the importance of how to execute a good pinch with proper footwork and good early racquet prep. I also go over when the perfect time to hit the offensive pinch shot should be done.
If you like what you just watched check out more detailed information on shot selection in my book and DVD.
The Championship Racquetball book is only $19.95 + shipping or the DVD for is only $24.95 + shipping.
Order both for only $40.00 + shipping. Buy NOW at https://www.frandavisracquetball.com/store/
* 10% of proceeds from the book and DVD will be donated to “COVID-19 Relief Fund, Action Against Hunger”.