Be a Racquetball Detective

Detectives investigate a situation and gather information before they can make a determination of what happened or what they need to do to solve the mystery. A “racquetball detective” is no different. You, the racquetball detective, must analyze your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses as well as your own strengths and weaknesses, which will determine the game plan you need to put together in order to beat your opponent. Here’s a simple formula: (more…)

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Controlling the Match

Controlling the match means playing more methodically while aware of what’s happening around you on the court. You don’t rush or hit aimlessly. Every shot you take and every move you make on the court has purpose or an objective. This is a strategy that clearly elevates your level of play. Here are a few tips for controlling the game: (more…)

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Last month I discussed the importance of routines as we are creatures of habit and perform best when there are no surprises. In order to obtain optimal performance levels, you need a pre-performance routine, which improves your accuracy, consistency, and timing. Now I’ll describe how to take it up to the next level to create a ritual, which is a specialized routine. (more…)

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Slumps and How to Deal with Them

In the last Newsletter I talked about Illness and the Affect on Performance. Learning how to adjust your training, your racquetball drilling/playing and your mental toughness on and off the court when you are sick and feeling like you cannot get up for it is key. It comes from lots of hard work in every aspect of the Sports Racquetball Triangle. It is not by accident Rocky has been the #2 IRT Player, Paola has been the #1 WPRO Player for the last several years, and Taylor and Sharon are marching up the Pro Ranks. (more…)

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Illness and How it Affects Performance

Rocky Carson gets sinus infections every month or two. Kane Waselenchuk had vertigo and played with a back injury. Paola Longoria and Jason Mannino each have had a very bad case of the flu. No one is exempt from unfortunate timing in getting sick. The key is to understand what happens to your body, what you can do to cope, and how you might possibly perform at your best. (more…)

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Fear of Failure and How to Overcome Fear …Part 2

In the last Newsletter I talked about FEAR and where it comes from and how to deal with it. (Click HERE to read part one) In this issue my team of experts and I want to teach you the techniques you can use to "Overcoming Fear.” It comes from lots of hard work in every aspect of the Sports Racquetball Triangle. It is not by accident Rocky has been the #2 IRT Player, Paola has been the #1 or #2 WPRO Player for the last several years, and Taylor and Sharon are marching up the Pro Ranks....let's take a look:

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Fear of Failure and How to Overcome Fear …Part 1

I decided to write about "Fear of Failure" and how to "Overcome Fear" as it is something that all my athletes have had to face on their way to becoming a CHAMPION. Both Rocky and Paola had to face it at the 2011 US Open Championships as well as the 2011 Pan American Championships...both times they made it to the finals playing against their rivals. (more…)

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